Are Dental Implants Right for You?

Dental implants in West Salem, WI, replace your natural tooth and its root when you have lost a tooth to dental disease or trauma. You can replace a single tooth, several consecutive teeth, or all-natural teeth with dental implants. This option is popular with patients who prefer a permanent tooth replacement option.

Each dental implant contains a small titanium post that functions as your new tooth root, an abutment that attaches to the top of the post and sits above your gumline, and an artificial tooth. Dr. Jim Allen or Dr. Mark Mueller may be able to place fewer titanium posts in your jaw when replacing multiple teeth.

Factors to Consider About Dental Implants

An important thing to remember about dental implants is that you must attend several appointments and wait several weeks to months until the process is complete. The first step is to schedule a consultation where Dr. Allen or Dr. Mueller inspects the gum tissue surrounding your missing tooth and takes several X-rays to determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure.

Most people who want dental implants can receive them, but you may need a bone graft procedure ahead of time if your existing bone is not strong enough to support an implant. Once that is complete, your dentist drills into your gumline to place the post that becomes your tooth root. You then need to wait until your jaw has healed. The timeline is different for every patient, so you may need to come in a few times to see if you are ready to progress to the final step.

The last step in the dental implant process is for Dr. Allen or Dr. Mueller to attach the abutment and artificial tooth. Please schedule a consultation to learn more aboutdental implants in West Salem, WI.

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