Make Sure Your Child Protects Their Teeth When Playing Youth Sports
Mouthguards in West Salem WI help to protect the teeth of young athletes and save them from serious medical conditions like concussions. Allen Dental recommends having a customized mouthguard made for your child for the maximum protection. Customized mouthguards retain the snugness around your child’s bite to ensure that the device remains in the mouth while participating in sports.
Steps Involved in Getting a Customized Mouthguard
The first thing you need to do to protect your child’s teeth during youth sports is schedule a consultation with Dr. Jim Allen or Dr. Mark Mueller. The dentist working with your child will evaluate their teeth and gums before discussing specific needs and concerns regarding dental safety. Dr. Allen or Dr. Mueller will then take impressions of the top and bottom rows of your child’s teeth. Your child’s dentist sends the impressions to our laboratory, and then an administrative assistant from Allen Dental will reach out to schedule the next appointment.
Dr. Allen or Dr. Mueller makes sure the mouthguard fits snugly when you and your child return for the final fitting. Our dental team will instruct your child on how to wear, maintain, check for damage, and store the mouthguard when not in use. If you ever notice a tear or hole in your child’s mouthguard, please contact us and we will determine if repair or replacement is necessary. Below are the factors we consider when recommending a specific mouthguard.
- Child’s age and typical growth patterns
- How easy it is to clean
- Proper fit and thickness
- Specific to the child’s sport
It only takes one quick blow to the mouth for your child to lose teeth or acquire long-term oral health issues. We know you love your child and want to keep them safe. Please schedule a consultation to learn more aboutmouthguards in West Salem WI today.